Archive for 2 years ago

Bipolar News – Bipolar UK launches new Mood Tracker app

Created by a member of the Bipolar UK community, the charity has launched an expert-approved Mood Tracker app to record daily mood, medications, emotions and sleep.


App developer Andrew Thomas says:

When I was 50, I was diagnosed with bipolar type 2. The psychiatrist referred me to the Mood Scale on the Bipolar UK website and gave me some sheets to fill in to record my mood. I was annotating all over them and had the idea to create an app. I contacted Bipolar UK with a prototype and we worked on it together for over two years. I’m really proud of how it’s turned out. I hope it will help other people with bipolar in the same way that it’s helped me.

Download the Bipolar UK Mood Tracker app on a phone or tablet via the Apple Store or GooglePlay. It takes 10 minutes to set up and two minutes a day to fill in.

For more details and expert quotes, please contact Sarah Owen on 07759 232028 or at
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